Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Bitter Taste of Life.

Really, I know. It's been a long time since I've posted something and I really had to post a topic like this. I usually don't come across topics like this while doing my blog. Well, here I am today. Everything is so stressful. I try giving myself positive vibes. It works ( Most of the time.) Just not today. My younger sister got her report card yesterday. And I'll tell you something. She did terrible. Of course, my mom is extremely mad and disappointed. So the stress factor for me currently is 1000x. I'm doing pretty average in school I guess. Downs and ups. Mainly ups. I'm just questioning how well I am doing though. I'm pretty good at many subjects. Math is alright for me. Gotta boost my grades up first though. English, no problem. French, doing great. 81 average. I think I did crappy on my listening quiz but it's alright. I did a presentation. Hopefully getting high marks. So that won't matter. Science, doing really well. Geography. No idea. My recent project, I think I got a high mark. Truthfully, I'm horrible at Geography. So I'm hoping to get a really good mark average. Yeah. I know what you're thinking, "YIKES." It's okay. Same. Just had to do this. Hopefully, I will post something tomorrow or Friday. :)) Thanks for listening! - Jennifer. 

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