Friday, August 26, 2016

Back to school.

Hey guys, today I will be showing you 5 simple, yet useful items for your school year. 

1. Dividers.
Dividers help divide each subject for your classes, so you won't have a hard time looking for your notes. 
Image result for Clear dividers

2. Binder Bags.
Instead of carrying your hard covered binders with your hands, use a binder bag instead. 
Image result for binder black five star

3. Plastic File Dividers.
Using this helps protect your work and assignments. Preventing them from being damaged. 
 Image result for Clear dividers

4. Chap Stick.
Convenient for when having chapped lips, especially during cold weather. 
Image result for Chap stick

5. Hair ties.
Great for when your hair is in the way. 
Image result for hair ties

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